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Wise budgeting tips for students


Textbooks: - When shopping for textbooks, look for international editions. According to, international editions are usually softcover and printed on softer paper. The front cover may be different but the content is the same.- Compare the edition required for class with previous editions and talk to your professor to find out if they are acceptable.- Check on the Facebook group “Buy/Sell Your Textbooks BYUH”. Students tend to sell books cheaper than online prices.- Compare prices; copy and paste the ISBN number into a search engine and compare prices. Pay attention to shipping costs.- Share the price of the book with someone else that’s in the same class and share the book.- The library has most textbooks on reserve. You can avoid buying textbooks by checking out books at the circulation desk. However, you run the risk of other students using it when you need. You can also only check out one book for a few hours.Saving Tips:- “Trick Change”Think of purchases in whole values. If you make a purchase that costs $6.49, think of it as $7.00. When purchasing with cash, put the leftover change in a safe place in your room. Over time you will be more cautious of your spending habits and collect change that will add up to extra money you ‘tricked’ yourself into not having.- Set aside 10% of your income each pay period into a savings fund. This will be your backup reserve in case of emergencies.Health/Living:- Establish a normal eating schedule so you don’t have random ‘hunger’ moments that impulse you to purchase fast foods or snacks.- Avoid buying soft drinks and junk food.Dating:- Take advantage of the free and cheap opportunities in the community or on-campus for dates or when hanging out with friends. Every week during the weekend and sometimes on Wednesday nights the BYUHSA sponsors a free movie showing in the Little Theater. Volleyball and basketball games are free with a student ID.- Setting a goal for the amount of money you spend on a date will help you to be more creative. Set up scavenger hunts, go hiking and enjoy all of the natural beauty Hawaii has to offer.Funny but True:- If you live off campus, instead of buying toilet paper just try to time yourself so you always have to go while on campus.- Change your clothes throughout the day; this prevents them from getting dirty and so you can postpone doing your laundry.- Hand-wash your clothes. This takes a lot more time but saves money overtime. You can also dry your clothes by hanging them on a clothes rack. Just be aware of weather conditions for that day.- Make friends with someone who knows how to give haircuts.
Writer: Joshua Mason ~ Multimedia Journalist