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Another testament of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, along with His various titles and pronouns, shows up in almost every verse in the Book of Mormon, says experts

While the Bible records God’s interactions with people in the Eastern Hemisphere, the Book of Mormon details the journey of a group led by God from Jerusalem to the Western Hemisphere about 600 years before Christ's birth, according to the Church of Jesus Christ’s website. It explains how God blessed them with prophets just as He did in the Old World. “Following His Crucifixion and Resurrection, Jesus Christ appeared to these people in the Western Hemisphere and taught them His gospel, contained in the Book of Mormon,” it continues.

Illustration of Jesus Christ extending his arm at reach
Illustration of Jesus Christ extending his arm at reach
Photo by Guen Ramirez

This book, more than any other ever published on this earth, bears witness of the life, the ministry, the teachings, the Atonement, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. … It will build and strengthen your faith in Jesus Christ.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles

How many times is Christ mentioned in the Book of Mormon?


In the article, “Jesus Christ in the Book of Mormon," John Hilton III and Madison Sinclair shared references to Jesus Christ in an article on the Church's website. “Ultimately, the number of references to Jesus Christ is not the most important detail to learn from the Book of Mormon; however, each reference to Him can teach us about His divine nature and mission,” says the article.

In 1978, Susan Ward Easton published an article that numerically demonstrated Jesus Christ as the central figure in the Book of Mormon. She found him mentioned 3,925 times by name or title, or once every 1.7 verses.

In their thorough examination of the Book of Mormon, Hilton and Sinclair said they found 7,452 references to Christ, including titles and pronouns with an average of more than one reference per verse. Approximately 50 percent of these references are titles of Christ, while the rest are pronouns, they explained.