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BYU-Hawaii Housing Office reminds students to be mindful of their Hale contracts


According to the University Housing Office, students need to know if they will be staying on campus, getting married, or going on an internship when deciding whether they will sign a housing contract or not in the future. The deadline to renew contracts for campus freshman has passed, but students have until May 25 to book Hale rooms.


According to Rachel Sowards, a sophomore from Texas majoring in peacebuilding who works for the University Housing Office as a student assignment specialist, all students who want to live on campus need to book a room on the Housing Portal, and they can book a room both for Summer and Fall Semesters.


“If you want to live in the Hales over the Summer Break or Fall Semester, or you’re already in the Hales and you want to change your room, just book a room,” explained Sowards.


For freshmen who forgot to renew their contract and book a room, there will be a room assigned for them because of the housing policy that states freshmen have to live on campus, according to Sowards.


As for non-freshmen who don’t book a room by 3 p.m. on May 25, they won’t be able to get a room in the Hales.


Hale arrangements for Summer Break

The only Hales that will be open during Summer Break are Hales 3, 6 and 10. The rent for Summer Break is paid separately from the Spring and Fall Semester. Prices can be viewed on the Housing Portal, according to Sowards.


The check-in date for Summer Break is July 2 and the check-out date is August 24. The school also provides day rents for students who are going on an internship during Summer Break.


“For example, if you are going on an internship on July 15, instead of buying the whole contract for Summer Break, you can rent a room from July 2 to July 15. The price is $20 per night,” explained Sowards.


Sowards said students should know their plans well and not sign a contract in a rush. She explained, “If you’re getting married, going on an internship or not going to school, don’t sign a Hale contract. Once you’ve signed it, you’re financially bound to the contract.”


Sowards emphasized students who leave campus for summer should take out their personal items from their rooms because the Housing Office doesn’t provide extra place for students who don’t live on campus during summer to store their items.


“Some students actually bought the Summer Break contract just to keep their stuff there. If you’re going home in summer and you don’t have a contract, you’ll have to take care of your items on your own,” explained Sowards.


Sowards also reminded students to plan properly before they come back at the end of the Summer Break. “The check-in date for Fall Semester is August 24. You can’t check in early. If you want to come back earlier than that, you need to find your own place to stay. You won’t be able to live on campus. The only exception is if you come back from an internship.”


Camila Shek is a senior from Hong Kong majoring in music. Shek said she’s disappointed about the policy where freshmen are forced to live on campus.


Shek explained, “When the Admissions Office admitted more students than the Hales could accommodate, students were asked to look for off-campus housing by themselves. After a semester, the Housing Office required those off-campus freshmen to move back on campus. After a semester, when they earned over 30 credits, they were kicked out again.


“The Housing Office should offer on-campus spots to those who really need it, but not treat students like luggage and move them whenever they want,” Shek continued.


As a non-I-WORK senior student, Shek said she can’t renew her contract and keep her current space in the Hale. Shek said she's treated unfairly.


“We paid tuition fees to come here. How come the priority goes to freshmen and I-WORK students? I need to practice a lot as a music major and it’s very inconvenient for me to live off-campus. Does the Housing Office understand that we, seniors, want to live on campus because we need to? I bet they can have better arrangements than ‘sacrificing’ some people,” said Shek.


Writer: Tomson Cheang