Jonathan Crisanto, a freshman majoring in information technology from Batangas City in the Philippines, said he does not have any plans yet. But he said he is prioritizing getting his second part-time job for this summer break. He explained his current job at the Polynesian Cultural Center night show only provides 19 hours while he needs to work for 40 hours during the summer.” I [am] hoping to get into the IT department,” said Crisanto and shared he completed IT certificates to qualify himself for the job.

Charlene Ram, a freshman majoring in hotel & tourism management from Fiji, said she does not have a special plan she is excited about, but she will be working in her current job as an English as an international language peer mentor. “I will be contacting the students who come in for the Fall Semester, so I’m excited to meet them and email them,” said Ram.

Britlyn Smith, a sophomore majoring in information technology and English from Phoenix, Arizona, said, “I’m going to Alaska in July. I’m very excited. We’ll be camping all around the different parts of Alaska.” She added she is planning on going on her mission two weeks after the trip. She said she is called to serve in the Zimbabwe Bulawayo Mission.

Ho Ting Pak, a freshman majoring in hotel & tourism management from Hong Kong, said, “[Because] I am an I-WORK student, ... [my plan] is mainly working, but also probably go camping with my friends and [go] scuba diving.” He said he brought his scuba diving license from Hong Kong. Pak explained people cannot go scuba diving without a permit or alone. This safety procedure is called a “buddy system,” said Pak.