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ELT assistant professor helps students strengthen their weaknesses and teaches with clarity

Esther Candari Art Show

As an assistant professor of English Teaching and Learning, Allan Thomas Court  has inspired students through his example and the positive attitude he exhibits in his teaching, according to BYUH students.

Yujun Han, a freshman from China studying business, said he helps students strengthen their weaknesses. “Writing is my weakness, but because of him I feel positive in my writing. He changed my attitude.”

Han said Court’s interactive teaching style has impressed students as well. He said, “I don’t fall asleep in his class. He prepares games and activities in each class to keep things interesting.”  Matetewe Teannua, a freshman from Kiribati studying education, added, “He is a good teacher. He explains [things] very well in class, and he invited us to go to his office anytime if we have questions.”

In his experience at BYU-Hawaii, Court said he has learned that “true education also includes character.” He said this comes from the fact that students have the freedom to express their true beliefs. “In class, I’m not here to teach doctrine but I can share my testimony,” he said.   

Teannua said, “He always reminds us of the spiritual things, which helps me feel the importance of it. I don’t attend the devotional, but we will review it in class, which inspires me to attend more.” 

Court is also a good example to the students, said Han. “He is a good and kind man, a responsible teacher and father, And he always smiles.”

Despite what he described as a busy school life, Court said he does his best to balance family, church, and school. “8 a.m. to 5 p.m. is work time. After 5 p.m., it is all family time. I come home and we help them with homework and play with them. We do our best to fill their lives with good and healthy activities,” he said.

He said when students have to make a difficult decision, he always encourages them to expect the best, study it out, learn about it, talk to people who have experience, and pray.

Court expressed his appreciation for his teaching experience. “It’s the best job on earth for me, for which I’m very grateful because this is one of the few schools that truly practices and holds the students in a higher standard.”

To read more about Court’s background, read his biography at:

Writer: Zeek Cheng