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Learn, grow, succeed

Center for Academic Success works to produce leaders who balance academic excellence with spiritual strength and cultural understanding

Introduction to University Life class
Students particpate in Introduction to University Life class.
Photo by Naomi Saenz

From study skills to effective time management, Dr. Rose Ram, the Library director who oversees the Center for Academic Success, said the center aims to help students at BYU–Hawaii to succeed in their academic journey. She said all students are welcome to visit the office to use its resources. The center offers tutoring services, course planning and “Introduction to University Life (STDEV 101R)” class, she said.

Elder Arthur and Sister Valerie Burke, academic coordinators at the Academic Center of Success, said they are currently teaching STDEV 101R as a part of their mission. They said their role is to work one-on-one during the semester with students who need support. The Burkes added this class not only supports students academically but also prepares them spiritually to become lifelong learners and disciples of Jesus Christ.

Arthur Burke teaching Introduction to University Life class
Arthur Burke teaching Introduction to University Life class.
Photo by Naomi Saenz

The center also provides resources to help students explore different careers, choose a major, master a job interview, test-taking strategies, and reading and writing strategies, the center’s website says. They also assist students in managing their personal lives effectively such as overcoming procrastination, stress management and smart money skills, according to the website.

During their time in the Center for Academic Success, Elder Burke expressed, “The reward we get is from seeing our students implement the tools that we share with them, and we love them. It is often inspiring and faith-promoting to hear students share their stories with us such as family stories, conversion stories and life experiences. We just love them.”

Azariah McFarlane, a junior from Florida majoring in psychology, said STDEV 101R provided her with the support she needed to be academically successful. She said she was able to focus on academics, and if she ever needed help, she knew she could go to the center.

McFarlane expressed she appreciated learning the difference between being a student going through the motions and being an active student. Through this class, she said, “I learned the difference between going to school just to get it done, and to go to school to really learn.” She added she was able to make that switch and focus on being a student who is here to learn. McFarlane said she is now able to move forward in school with a better skill set than she had before.

Dr. Ram closed by sharing her experience, “In my humble observation of these senior missionary couples, they render countless hours finding, helping, caring and teaching students to improve their academic journey here at BYUH. Indeed, our team is striving to make a difference in the lives of each student that we come in contact with.”