While working on this issue of the Ke Alakai’i, I thought a lot about what Hawaii means to me, the opportunities it has given me and the responsibilities I have to this beautiful island. Living in Hawaii has been the best thing for my life. I have grown so much from working at the Ke Alaka’i, gained greater love for nature and the environment, and I met my best friend and wife here. Living in Hawaii has truly blessed me more than I could have ever imagined it would.
I am so excited about this month’s issue of the Ke Alaka’i because it includes articles on Hawaiian heritage. It has been such a special time working on an issue about a place I have so much love and respect for. Whether you are a new student or have been here a while, Hawaii has so much to offer and there is so much to learn about. Check out this month’s special Hawaiian country highlight (pg. 6). Respecting the ‘aina is an important value I’ve learned since being here, so I would recommend reading about Oahu’s sacred sites and how to respectfully and responsibly take part in Hawaiian culture (pg. 9).
One of my favorite things I’ve learned since living here is the Ke Alaka’i’s motto, “Everyone has a story.” One of my favorite stories comes from a former BYUH senior missionary couple from Vietnam you can read on page 44. Working at the Ke Alaka’i since 2019 has been one of the best experiences. I get to learn new skills and grow by working with some of the most talented and creative people I know. Read up about the Ke Alaka’i ohana on page 36.
I hope you enjoy this issue as much as I enjoyed working on it. Hawaii is such a beautiful place, and we hope you all can enjoy it responsibly and respectfully!