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Letter from a copy editor: Collin Farley

Collin Farley standing in front of some trees on the BYUH campus. He is smiling and wearing a grey T-shirt.
Collin Farley.
Photo by Mark Daeson Tabbilos

We have now successfully passed the halfway point of this Winter 2022 Semester. As many of us have been stressed out about midterms, barely making it out of bed and into class (or maybe it’s just me), studying and doing homework into the late hours of the night, it is important to take time to relax. Going to the beach, spending time in nature, hanging out with friends and perusing the latest issue of the Ke Alaka‘i magazine are ways I wind down and get my mind off of school for a moment or two. I hope that you, our readers, take time to do something similar.

Although it is important to be able to relax and not let ourselves get too stressed about school, it’s equally important to not let ourselves completely forget why we are here and what our focus is; which is why in this month’s edition of Ke Alaka‘i we have chosen to focus on BYU–Hawaii’s scholars. We have included features on students, faculty and community members who have unique backgrounds and stories to tell you about who they are and what brought them to BYUH. We hope as you read these feature stories, you will enjoy learning more about these remarkable people, and be inspired by their stories.