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PCC ‘seamstress goddess’ to retire after almost 45 years of service


Theresa Warner, better known as “Nona,” will be laying down the thread and needle when she retires in October. In December, Warner would have marked her 45-year anniversary at PCC. In the 50 years of PCC’s operation, she has worked nearly all but five years. Warner showed her dedication and love to the Center in her response to a question about life after retirement. When asked if she plans on visiting the workplace after she leaves, she said, “I will probably still call into work and talk to the ladies… see if ‘hey do you need any help with work today?” Coworkers Elizz Keni from Australia, and a senior missionary, Jolene Smith, chimed in almost simultaneously to say Warner stays so much longer than her hours all the time, and she never leaves. Even when she’s not working, Nona is helping people. She likes making leis for others, said her co-workers. The love and admiration for Nona from all of those around her is felt just by entering the room. Sister Smith said, “The PCC is a unique treasure, and Nona will leave her legacy of 44 years. What a blessing it is to come to the Center, she said, for the students and everyone else “who enter this unique place.” “I thoroughly enjoy coming to work because of these ladies. Nona really is the seamstress goddess. I have never seen her cranky or even say no to anyone. No matter what the size of the task is, she says yes. What a legacy,” said Keni. The works of Nona and fellow seamstresses can be seen all around the PCC. The department sews and makes almost all of the costumes you see around the center. The only costumes they don’t work on are the ones used in the dining area and tour guides. When asked about what has kept her here all of these years, Nona replied, “I really enjoy the work, and with the people here, you can’t go wrong. I really enjoy the tremendous variety of students. They are so inquisitive and just here to help and glad to do it.” A tear-filled Smith shared the following statement when reminiscing on the time spent with Nona and her upcoming retirement. “If I could do the same when I leave, to leave your mark that way, it’s something that’s truly amazing.” The motto that Nona lives by is, “Enjoy the Day. Don’t let it ever go to waste.”
Writer: Keryna Monson~Multimedia Journalist