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The 12 tribes of Israel

A Bible scholar's advice on how to study the tribes and what their names mean

A tree of a family tree
Photo by Elinor Cash

According to Matthew Bowen, an associate professor in Religious Education at BYU–Hawaii, who holds a doctorate in Biblical Studies, the Old and New Testaments were written for ancient people. The Bible, he explained, was written in a culture very far removed from today. Some examples he offered were these people ran on a lunar calendar and were heavily dependent on agricultural cycles. He said, “The world was so much darker when the sun went down. They could see so much more of the night sky,” because of that,” Bowen explained, and they were watching the heavens much more than people do now. Additionally, he said the cultural customs of the time meant that women and men did not interact.

To better understand the Bible, Bowen said, “We have to get into their world a little bit to understand.” He counseled people to learn geography and learn about Biblical people’s culture through reading books about the history and archeology of that time period.

However, Bowen added there are things common to all human beings across time. He encouraged people to read a variety of translations of the Bible, along with the King James version, to help grasp concepts in a new light.

To better understand the verses in Genesis, Bowen clarified that Jacob’s new name is Israel (Genesis 35:10-11).


Translation of the name: One who causes to forget pain. One scholar, Robert Alter, believes his name could mean, to relieved from the condition of debt.
Scriptures: Deut. 33:17, Num. 1:34-35, Josh. 13:29-31, Alma 10:3


Translation of the name: Happy
Scriptures: Gen. 49:20, Deut. 33:24-25, Gen 30:12-13


Translation of the name: Son of the right hand
Scriptures: Gen. 49:27, Deut. 33:12, Gen 35:16-18, Judges 3:15


Translation of the name: Man of the higher
Scriptures: Gen. 49:14-1 5, Gen 30:17-18


Translation of the name: Twisting
Scriptures: Gen 30:7-8, Gen 49:21, Deut. 33:23, Gen 39:21


Translation of the name: One who is exalted and honored
Scriptures: Gen 49:13, Deut. 33:18-19, Gen 30:19-20


Translation of the name: To praise out of a feeling of gratitude
Scriptures: D&C 133:27-28, D&C 45, Genesis 49:8-12, Deut. 33:7, 2 Nephi 29:4, Ezekiel 37:15-17, Gen 29:35


Translation of the name: Joined, wrapping around like an embrace (referring to the marital relationship between Leah and Jacob)
Scriptures: Gen 49:5-7, Deut. 33:8-11, Gen 29:34, Numbers 18:2,4


Translation of the name: Judge
Scriptures: Gen. 49:16-18, Deut. 33:22, Gen 30:6


Translation of the name: Man of hearing/The Lord has heard me
Scriptures: Gen 49:5-7, Gen 29:33


Translation of the name: Doubly fruitful
Deut. 33:17, D&C 133, Ezekiel 37:15-17


Translation of the name: Fortune
Scriptures: Gen. 49:19, Deut. 33:20-21, Gen 30:9-11


Translation of the name: Fruitful bow or fruitful son
Scriptures: Deut. 33:13-17, Ezekiel 37:15-17, Gen 30:22-24, Gen 49:22


Translation of name: Look, a son!/The Lord has seen my affliction
Scriptures: Gen 49:3-4, Deut. 33:6, Gen 29: 31-32